Nordic Business Travel Summit

This page is all about our succesful Summit.

For more than 15 years we have offered our Nordic members to meet and network. In 2017 we re-designed the one-day meeting and made it a two-day summit instead.

What is NBTS?

The goal of the event to InspireChallenge and Inform – at NBTS you will get a taste of what’s coming and what you need to prepare for. We want to have a Nordic Touch to the content and the combination of networking, information and possibility to exchange experiences with your colleagues in the industry makes NBTS a unique platform for knowledge and development!

On this page we share materials from the upcoming and the latest NBTS’.

NBTS 2023 | March 21 – 22 at Clarion Sign, Stockholm

Keyonet Speakers

Kjell A. Nordström | follow him on Instragram – LINK

GBTA | Suzanne Neufang – What’s Next For Global Business Travel?

Jesper Söderström | Distribution 360_setting the scene

Caroline Strachan, Festive Road | Navigating the (ever) chanding role of the Travel Manager

BT4Europe, Patrick Diemer | Building Bridges for Business Travel

Julien Etchanchu, Advito | We must find a new model

Breakout sessions:

Riskline | LINK
Julien Etchanchu, Advito & BCD Travel | LINK
Worldpay | LINK

AMEX Global Business Travel | Creating a sustainable Travel and Meeting Program
Nordic Choice Hotels | Sustainability
International SOS | LINK

The Media Wrote:

Matkaviiko, Finland:
Summery of NBTS 2023 – LINK
Mirja Kivimaa | Travel Manager Award – LINK

Travel News Denmark:
Summary of Day 1, incl. SAS interview – LINK
Travel Manager panel – LINK

Travel News, Sweden:
Affärsresande i fokus på stort möte i Stockholm – LINK, Denmark:
Nordiske travel managers til årligt topmøde – LINK

NBTS 2023 Sponsors:

#NBTS2023 pictures

Memories from NBTS 2021 (digital)

Breakout sessions | videos and presentations

You can listen or re-listen to the recordings and find the presentations from the 7 breakout sessions NBTS 2021 below:

Amadeus | Get your Travel Program in boot camp – let’s RETHINK Travel together!

Please find the recording HERE and the presentation HERE

Finnair | Sustainable, profitable growth in post-pandemic times

Please find the recording HERE and the presentation HERE

CWT | Responsible Travel, A better approach for a better future

Please find the recording HERE and the presentation HERE

Taxback | A datadriven approach to Travel Management

Please find the recording HERE and the presentation HERE

Egencia | Is digital transformation possible in the next normal of business travel?

Please find the recording HERE and the presentation HERE

SAP Concur | Accelerating the sustainable transformation!

Please find the recording HERE and the presentation HERE

FCM | With AI and all future technology – will the service of a TMC still be useful?

Please find the recording HERE and the presentation HERE

Travel Management Lifecycle

In this infographic we have described the travel management eco system.

Feel free to use it! It is made for us here in the Nordics.

A BIG Thank You to all our NBTS 2021 sponsors!

Without sponsors, no NBTS!

THANK YOU all sponsors for you support for this fantastic summit and for the good cooperation with the planning.

Pictures from NBTS 2021

Our photo gallery is limited, as we could not see all 400+ participants during this digital conference. But here is a few to get a feeling of 2 very good days: